Interface Summary | |
ISvnAddParameters | Represents callback that invokes when inconsistent EOLs are found in text files being scheduled for addition. |
ISvnCommitParameters | Interface describes the parameters defining behavior for the commit operation that touches still versioned files or directories that are somehow missing. |
ISvnMerger | Merge driver interface used by SVNKit in merging operations. |
ISvnObjectReceiver<T> | This interface describes the operation that can receive object(s). |
ISvnOperationHandler | |
ISvnOperationOptionsProvider | Implementing this interface allows to handle the operation options: event handler, canceler, options, pool of repositories and authentication manager. |
ISvnOperationRunner<V,T extends SvnOperation<V>> | This interface describes Svn* operation runner. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractSvnCommit | Base class for operations that change repository. |
AbstractSvnUpdate<V> | Provides methods allowing to check out, update, switch and relocate a working copy as well as export an unversioned directory or file from a repository. |
SvnAnnotate | Represents annotate operation. |
SvnAnnotateItem | Provides information for annotate item in SvnAnnotate operation. |
SvnCanonicalizeUrls | Canonicalizes all urls in the working copy target . |
SvnCat | Represents cat operation. |
SvnCheckout | Represents checkout operation. |
SvnChecksum | Represents a checksum for SVN files. |
SvnCleanup | Represents cleanup operation. |
SvnCommit | Represents commit operation. |
SvnCommitItem | Provides information about a committed revision. |
SvnCommitPacket | Represents storage for SvnCommitItem
objects which represent information on versioned items intended
for being committed to a repository. |
SvnCopy | Represents copy operation. |
SvnCopySource | Provides copy source information in copy operations. |
SvnDiff | Represents diff operation. |
SvnDiffStatus | Represents short information on path changes in SvnDiffSummarize operation. |
SvnDiffSummarize | Produces a diff summary which lists the changed items between
source in its pegRevision , as it changed
between startRevision and endRevision ,
or diff summary between firstSource at its pegRevision
and secondSource at its pegRevision . |
SvnExport | Represents export operation. |
SvnGetChangelistPaths | Gets paths belonging to the specified changelists discovered under the
specified targets . |
SvnGetInfo | Represents info command. |
SvnGetMergeInfo | Returns mergeinfo as a Map with merge source URLs (as
SVNURL ) mapped to range lists (SVNMergeRangeList ). |
SvnGetProperties | Represents proplist operation. |
SvnGetStatus | Represents status operation. |
SvnGetStatusSummary | Represents status operation as local working copy summary status for target and all its children. |
SvnImport | Imports file or directory source into repository directory
defined in operation's target at HEAD revision. |
SvnInfo | Represents information details for versioned item's (located either in a working copy or a repository). |
SvnList | Represents list operation. |
SvnLog | Represents log operation. |
SvnLogMergeInfo | Creates a SVNLogEntry object with the revisions merged from
mergeSource (as of mergeSource 's pegRevision ) into
target (as of target 's pegRevision ). |
SvnMarkReplaced | Schedules target as being replaced. |
SvnMerge | Represents merge operation. |
SvnMergeResult | Represents a result of a text or properties merge operation. |
SvnObject | Base class for all Svn* classes representing some kind of information. |
SvnOperation<V> | Base class for all Svn* operations. |
SvnOperationFactory | Represents factory for the Svn* operations. |
SvnReceivingOperation<T> | Represents base class for all operations that can fetch object(s) for custom processing. |
SvnRelocate | Represents relocate operation. |
SvnRemoteCopy | Represents copy to repository operation. |
SvnRemoteDelete | Represents delete operation. |
SvnRemoteMkDir | Creates directory(ies) in a repository. |
SvnRemoteSetProperty | Sets propertyName to propertyValue on each targets . |
SvnResolve | Represents resolve operation. |
SvnRevert | Represents revert operation. |
SvnRevisionRange | Represents a revision range between the start revision and the end revision. |
SvnScheduleForAddition | Represents add operation. |
SvnScheduleForRemoval | Represents remove operation. |
SvnSetChangelist | Represents set changelist operation. |
SvnSetLock | Represents operation for locking files. |
SvnSetProperty | Represents set property operation. |
SvnStatus | Provides detailed status information for
a working copy item as a result of a status operation invoked by a SvnGetStatus operation. |
SvnStatusSummary | Represents status summary information for local working copy item, including all its children. |
SvnSuggestMergeSources | Returns a collection of potential merge sources (expressed as full
repository URLs ) for working copy target at
target 's pegRevision . |
SvnSwitch | Represents switch operation. |
SvnTarget | Represents target of the operation on whose operation will be executed. |
SvnUnlock | Represents operation for unlocking files. |
SvnUpdate | Represents update operation. |
SvnUpgrade | Represents operation for upgrading the metadata storage format for a working copy. |
SvnWorkingCopyInfo | Provides information about working copy info, used by SvnInfo . |
Enum Summary | |
ISvnAddParameters.Action | Describes an action add operation should undertake in case of a inconsistent EOLs. |
ISvnCommitParameters.Action | Describes an instruction that operation should take if it meets unversioned or missing item. |
SvnChecksum.Kind | Describes the kind of used hash algorithm for computing the checksum. |
SvnFileKind | Describe the kind of item. |
SvnSchedule | Describe the kind of schedule. |
NEW: this package contains command-style API to perform most of Subversion operations on the level of abstraction similar to that of the command line client.